Thomson Reuters
De-risking you during COVID-19
These are challenging times now and ahead. At Thomson Reuters, we understand that there are unattended regulatory concerns and risks, some apparent and some unforeseen. It's imperative to be agile and plan future actions. 

Thomson Reuters' COVID-19 flipbook is a quick read and throws light on:

  • 6 major factors that will impact your companies
  • Immediate actions you can take to reduce associated risks

Fill the form to download your own flipbook. We are also extending a special offer for the Thomson Reuters Compliance Learning COVID-19 toolkit on a per-request basis.
What's in the COVID-19 toolkit?
A collection of courses curated to help train employees and reinforce key compliance concepts during this crisis across topics. 

Topics included but not limited to,

  • COVID-19 Compliance Challenges
  • Microlearning: Keeping Customer Data Private is Everyone's Job
  • Microlearning: Fraud: Key Red Flags of a Fraud
  • Microlearning: Data Privacy: Keeping Passwords Safe, Strong and Secure
  • Microlearning: IT-Security - Don’t Click that Link
This toolkit can get further enriched by our interactive AML & Compliance courses such as:

  • Business Continuity Management
  • AML + AML Advanced + Trade-based Money Laundering
  • Cyber Resilience
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Sanctions
We have 450+ AML/Compliance courses. Reach out to us to know more. 

Register to read the COVID-19 flipbook.
It's a 15 minute read and helps you sharpen your focus.

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