On-Demand Webinar
Duration: 1 Hour

Hosted by Thomson Reuters

As more consumers rely on reviews and what they see on social media to guide their purchasing decisions, more companies are taking steps to encourage other people to talk about their products. Companies do this using a number of strategies, such as by providing incentives for consumers to write reviews or by engaging influencers to plug products on their social media feeds. Although these strategies can be very effective, companies also need to be aware of various legal requirements, especially as the Federal Trade Commission and other entities step up their enforcement.

You'll learn:

  • The legal requirements regarding soliciting reviews and working with influencers 
  • What the perils and pitfalls are of reviews and influencers 
  • Tips for managing campaigns 
  • Some best practices regarding reviews and influencers 
  • And more . . .

*This webinar is expected to provide 60 minutes of CLE Credit in multiple states.  

Gonzalo E. Mon
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Moderator: Sharon Kohn
Senior Legal Editor
Practical Law Commercial Transactions

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