Matter Pricing Strategy: Superior Results for the Right Price
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Hosted by Thomson Reuters

Rate increases are everywhere – the recent State of the Legal Market report from the Thomson Reuters Institute shows AmLaw 100 firms increased rates 6% for the third year in a row, with even midlaw firms growing nearly 4%. Data from the State of the Legal Market strongly suggests that many companies are aggressively moving work to lower cost firms. This is further supported by the Legal Department Operations Index report which found that “controlling outside counsel costs” was the top concern, with 85% of respondents ranking it as high priority. And often the way to control costs is to move matters to a different firm.

But how can you be sure that you’re moving to like value? How can you tell what is the right price for a particular matter, today, for your company? How do you introduce firms to your new processes?

Join Thomson Reuters for a webinar that will give you the tools to do just that. An expert panel will discuss matter pricing in depth, including discussions of:

  • Pricing matters strategically – individually and as a portfolio
  • Creating effective RFPs and using them to make the right decisions
  • Introducing competition into your processes to drive cost and performance benefits
  • Managing change associated with matter pricing and mini-RFPs
  • Using benchmarking data effectively
  • Making clear comparisons among hourly rates, AFAs and other options
  • Determining the value you get from a relationship – are there benefits (secondments, hotlines, etc.) difficult to fit into a standard pricing model?

Busy at this time? Register anyway! We’ll send you a copy of the webinar recording to watch at your leisure after the event has aired.

Sean Rhoads
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Legal Tech, Thomson Reuters (moderator)
Sean Rhoads is Senior Manager, Product Marketing focused on ensuring Legal Tracker product development and marketing meet customer needs. Over the past several years, he has held a variety of roles across the legal, education, and health industries researching, building, and bringing to market successful B2B digital products, and is passionate about better understanding and solving customer challenges.
Ethan Patashnik
Customer Success Executive, Corporates Legal,
Thomson Reuters
Ethan Patashnik is a Senior Client Success Advisor with Thomson Reuters Legal Tracker software where he has provided advice to clients, including many Fortune 500 companies, for more than 7 years. Ethan has been involved in legal operations for more than 20 years, including more than 13 years in Microsoft’s legal operations group where he supported a 1,000+ person legal department.
Mike Russell
Head of Global Legal Operations,
Expedia Group
Mike Russell is a frequently referenced author and speaker, currently serving as Head of Global Legal Operations for Expedia Group. Previously, he established and led operations and process excellence for the Ingersoll Rand Global Legal Department; advised the formation of visionary law company Clearspire; and was Director, Strategic Legal Technology for Liberty Mutual Insurance Enterprise Legal Services. He was recognized as a Law Department Champion in 2011 through an ILTA Distinguished Peer Award, and enjoys active involvement with the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) as a speaker and co-lead for the Pacific Northwest Region.
Samantha Lofton Moss
Senior Director of Global Legal Operations and Chief of Staff,
Zimmer Biomet
Samantha Moss joined Zimmer Biomet from Ice Miller LLP, where she served as the firm’s Chief Risk, Information Governance and Legal Project Management Officer. At Ice Miller, she spearheaded executive project management for legal operations with a focus on improving efficiency in operations and client service. Samantha earned college degrees from the University of Kentucky, and she is a Certified Information Governance Professional (IGP) and holds a Legal Project Management Certification (LawVision), as well as Legal Lean Sigma Institute Certification.

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