
Title: Fighting Fraud: How to Reinforce Your Customer Identification Program
Date: September 9th
Time: 11:00 CT
Duration: 30 Minutes

Hosted by Thomson Reuters

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Organizations are on their own in spotting fraudulent transactions, new forms of identity fraud, and the customers behind online accounts in financial, crypto, and retail spaces. When it comes to identity verification and fraud prevention, are you fully prepared?

With the right tools as well as strict adherence to industry best practices, you can reinforce your know-your-customer and anti-money laundering compliance programs. Automation, the wave of the future, allows you to implement these processes more efficiently and faster.

Please join us for a 30-minute webinar on the benefits of automating fraud due diligence and risk assessment processes. See examples of how customizable data searches and AI analytics can quickly surface hard-to-locate information.

Fraud in the COVID era is certainly not slowing down. Discover how to optimize your KYC and AML programs to withstand the challenges of a rapidly evolving business environment.
Sarah Purcell
Public Records Product Specialist, Thomson Reuters

Sarah Purcell is a highly experienced public records investigative researcher with over 15 years of professional experience in the legal industry. Since joining Thomson Reuters in 2005, she has assisted customers ranging from small law firms to large corporations with investigative and research needs. In her current role as a Public Records Product Specialist, Sarah works closely with KYC, fraud, CIP, and compliance departments across many industries, and works alongside the Thomson Reuters’ New Product Development team to identify and create innovative due diligence solutions. Sarah earned a B.A. from St. Norbert College and a J.D. from Mitchell Hamline School of Law.
Amanda DuPont
Public Records Product Specialist, Thomson Reuters

Amanda DuPont has over 22 years of professional experience in the legal industry and is a highly experienced investigative researcher and speaker. She is a CAM-certified licensed attorney and practiced law in Minneapolis for over eight years where sherepresented businesses in all types of legal advising roles – from class action litigation work to contracts and negotiations. Amanda joined Thomson Reuters in 2006 and has held roles throughout the business. Since 2010, Amanda has worked exclusively in Thomson Reuters’ public records solutions. In her current role as Public Records Product Specialist, Amanda works closely with both corporate commercial customers as well as Thomson Reuters New Product Development team to help develop innovative solutions in the public records arena, including Thomson Reuters’ flagship product CLEAR. She also consults on automation solutions with our customers including working with partner software vendors interested in building API connections into CLEAR.

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