DAC6 Reporter Focus: What Data You Need to File DAC6 Right the First Time
On demand webinar
Hosted by Thomson Reuters
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) may be breathing a small sigh of relief at DAC6 deadline extensions, but there is still much to be concerned about when it comes to complying with this very complex and stringent EU mandatory disclosure regime (MDR) regarding cross-border arrangements. All this calls for a renewed focus on a well-architectured technology solution that automates much of the DAC6 reporting process with very little disruption to business as usual.
In this webinar, we will review the progress countries have made in implementing the DAC6 rules including legislation, guidance and reporting forms but focus most of the presentation on the DAC6 reporting lifecycle (data collection to filing), and the different stakeholders who will need to collaborate to complete the various steps in the reporting lifecycle. We will also highlight the extent of each of the stakeholders' involvement and the amount of automation that a well-designed software solution can contribute to the entire process.
Key topics include a run-through of an example of an RCBA and trace this to an actual filing with a tax authority using the Netherlands as the filing jurisdiction. The Netherlands is the first country to have finalized its DAC6 reporting schema, and appear to closely mimic the format prescribed by the EU commission for countries to exchange DAC6 reports.
Given the tight timeline within which the DAC6 reporting process needs to be completed, any DAC6 software solution has to be near perfect in how it handles the actual reporting. This will be even more so for those taxpayers who have multiple reports to file which then gets even more complicated if the reporting must happen in multiple countries.